Why Static Website Generator

Sometimes we need a website to host only static web pages; that means the content of the webpage keeps unchanged. Under this situation, we don’t need a heavy server that gets content from the backend database server and renders the webpage to send back to the browser, which is expensive and complex. At the same time, we would like to get the website to work fast at minimalistic decoration. We also want the site to work at a low cost and minimal coding time.

Writing Samples v20211225

This document includes two projects: Aegisub Quick Start (https://aegisubquickstart.wordpress.com/) As an excellent subtitle-adding software, Aegisub has been used intensively in my company’s video production team. However, its official tutorial is highly text-intensive with little graphics, so I wrote this Quick Start manual to help beginners start quickly and save time and effort during training. This Quick Start manual has significantly reduced the time and human power when training new team members and also dramatically reduced the learning curve for learners.