As a Software User, How Do You Define Great Documentation?

Great documentation should include contextual content that clarifies why and when users might use a feature or workflow. It should tell the software version, the working or installation environment (Windows, Mac, Linux, the version of the operating system), etc. It should keep the readers on the same page at the very beginning. Great documentation should be clear and concise and divide information into conceptional, instruction, and reference parts. For the instructional documentation, it is important to organize the content task-centered, following the work procedure.

Experience with Git and Docs-as-code

Git I’ve about three years of experience using Git and its command line. With ten+ years of experience using Unix and Linux shell scripts, I don’t have any problem using Git and its command-line. In contrast, they allow me to work more efficiently. I use Git to store my projects, host my websites, and collaborate with others. Docs as code Docs as Code refers to the concept that technical writers write docs with the same tool-chain as developers, using issue trackers, version control, plain text markup, code review, and automated tests, integrating the documentation process with the development workflow.

Writing Samples: User's Manual and Usability Testing Report

Bookshelf Editor User’s Manual ( Usability Testing Report ( I created this User’s Mnual as my technical writing course project. I received the Bookshelf Editor program without any documentation. I had to go through the whole program to figure out all functions and operational steps by clicking menu items, buttons and links on the screen. After obtaining a sufficient understanding of the program, I created this User’s Manual. It was a great process of learning technical concepts and skills and then converting them into clear and concise content for a general audience.

Build a Static Site with Hugo on GitHub

I set up my first Hugo-generated website on GitHub through the following steps. I wrote this file to help whose familiar with GitHub and command line and want to build their static website using Hugo by following simple command lines without detailed explanations. I’m using a Mac mini m1. Instll Hugo If you have Homebrew installed on your Mac, just run: 1 brew install hugo The Hugo will be installed on the Mac.

Get Started with GitHub

Install git on the local computer Check if git has already been installed on my Mac: 1 2 git --version git version 2.30.1 (Apple Git-130) I got “git version 2.30.1 (Apple Git-130)"; that means I have already got git installed on my Mac. If you can see the version information, you need to download and install git on your computer. Create a free GitHub account Go to GitHub website and sign up to get a free GitHub account.