Deploy Node.js to Heroku

I used the folder “Desktop/restful” as my REST API folder. First, create a free Heroku account. Then, create a new app “morning67890” on Heroku. Download the Heroku Command Line Interface(CLI) 1 $ brew install heroku/brew/heroku I copyed all files of my RESTAPI from my old RESTAPI folder to the folder “Desktop/restful”. Under “Desktop/restful” folder: 1 $ heroku login Check node version: 1 $ node --version The noder version shoulde be higher than 10.


Shortcut Function ctl+k Clear the terminal window ctl+t Open a new tab in the current window Commands Find the PID of a process listening on a port (pass the -i flag and the port number to significantly speed up the searching): 1 2 3 $ lsof -Pi :3000 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME node 10832 yulin 27u IPv4 0xc9491b9285959cf 0t0 TCP *:3000 (LISTEN) Kill this process:

A Writing Sample: Build a Static Site with Hugo on GitHub

A Writing Sample: Build a Static Site with Hugo on GitHub ( I wrote this how-to to record the steps I used to create a static website using Hugo and got it running on GitHub. To set up the static site, I watched several YouTube videos and checked several articles on Google. These steps are proven correct so that I can follow them for my following static website setup. That would save me a lot of time searching for information or reading the Hugo manual from the beginning.

BC and AD, or BCE and CE?

When writing about historical figures or events, we often need to use BC and AD, or BCE and CE. How can you use them correctly? Firstly, both systems count years from the birth of Jesus Christ, following the Gregorian calendar. AD and CE mean before the birth date of Jesus, and BC and BCE mean after the birth date of Jesus. BC and AD were used earlier in the year 525 by a Christian monk.

Writing Samples v20220131

Build a Static Website with Hugo on GitHub ( Aegisub ( User’s Manual (